Published on

14 June 2023

School transport services under review to stop overspend

Parents and carers can now have their say on possible changes to Wokingham Borough's home-to-school transport and travel assistance services

A boy and girl eating bags of crisps stood at a bus stop

Parents and carers can now have their say on possible changes to Wokingham Borough's home-to-school transport and travel assistance services.

The council is reviewing its provision, to make it sustainable in helping children and learners who need it most, and wants people's views before Friday 21 July.

The council has been providing travel assistance beyond what the law requires. The consultation explains why the council is reviewing its provision and asks parents, carers and others for their views on the proposed changes.

Any changes would come into effect in September 2024, although the review also enables the council to make changes before then, if it can.

Respond now

Realistic goals to keep the service sustainable

Demand for travel assistance has increased from £3 million in 2018/19 to £5.8 million in 2022/23 – an increase of around 93 per cent and still rising.

The home to school travel assistance budget is about 17 per cent of the total children’s services budget, and an overspend in this area has the potential to seriously impact other services for children and young people in the borough.

It’s clear from working with other authorities that they face similar challenges and, with no sign of this changing soon, the council must bring provision more in line with statutory levels.

It is therefore proposing a series of updates to its travel assistance policy, although no final decisions have been made, and is seeking residents' input before committing to anything.

We're listening and doing all we can

Cllr Prue Bray, executive member for children's services, said: "We realise these changes will have an impact on some of our residents, but unfortunately, the service that we are currently offering is not sustainable.

"We are reviewing our policies for travel assistance so we can protect those who need it the most.  

"I strongly encourage people to respond to this consultation as all comments will be considered as we look at ways to implement existing policy more efficiently and effectively.

“Where possible, we'll look to reduce the impact of changes through measures like investing in footways and cycleways, or working in partnership with neighbouring councils.

"We'll also keep lobbying the Department for Education to highlight the local issues that national policy and legislation is causing."

Tell us your views now

The proposals could affect a range of services and groups including pupils of statutory school age or aged 16 and over, and those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

There are also possible changes for those with medical conditions, low-income fare payers and those living in temporary accommodation.

Anyone already using these services will remain under their existing arrangements until their circumstances change and their eligibility is reassessed.

The consultation is open on the council's Engage Wokingham Borough platform. For help completing it or alternative formats, call 0118 974 6000 or visit one of the borough's libraries. 

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