Published on

12 June 2023

Invest in solar panels through group-buying scheme

Residents can reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy bills with a scheme being launched to make it easier and cheaper to install solar panels.

Solar panels on the roof of a house

Residents can reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy bills with a scheme being launched to make it easier and cheaper to install solar panels.

The Solar Together scheme will enable residents to install solar panels and battery storage at a competitive price through pre-vetted suppliers, which in turn will generate green energy, save on energy bills, whilst supporting the council’s ambition for Wokingham Borough to be carbon neutral by 2030.

Residents who own their own home, or have permission from the landlord to install solar panels, and small and medium-sized businesses can register their interest for free on the Solar Together Wokingham website.

Register your interest

The scheme offers solar panels with optional battery storage. For residents who have already invested in solar panels, retrofit battery storage is available.

More residents means a better deal

This is particularly useful for residents who are looking to get more from the renewable energy they generate as well as increasing their independence from the electricity grid.

Executive member for climate emergency and resident services Cllr Sarah Kerr said: “If you are thinking of ways to reduce your energy usage and carbon footprint, solar panels could be the way forward.

"Through Solar Together, we are enabling our residents to sign up to this no obligation, group-buying scheme, to increase the uptake of green energy throughout the borough. The more residents who sign up to the scheme, the better the deal will be for each household.  

“Solar Together is a trusted scheme which has run for several years and by other local authorities throughout Berkshire. If you’re looking to make the switch to renewable, greener energy, register your interest before 11 August.”

How does the scheme work?

The Solar Together Scheme is simple and follows the below steps:  

  1. Registration – residents who are interested in the scheme can register online from 12 June until 11 August 2023. There is no obligation and the more people who register, the better the deal for each household
  2. Auction – approved solar panel installers will bid for the work in a reverse ‘auction’. The most competitive offer from these pre-vetted installers wins the auction
  3. Personal recommendation – residents will be emailed a personal recommendation based on their registration details. This includes costs and the specifications of the installation
  4. You decide – the decision is then yours as to whether you want to accept your recommendation. There is no obligation to continue. You will have up to four weeks to decide
  5. Installation – if you accept, the winning installer will contact you to survey your roof and set an installation date

About Solar Together

The scheme is operated and delivered by Solar Together and promoted by Wokingham Borough Council.

The scheme is being delivered across Berkshire. It helps homeowners feel confident they are paying the right price for high-quality installation from pre-approved installers.

The scheme builds on six years of successful Solar Together programmes run across the UK.

To date, Solar Together has delivered more than 17,000 installations and saved more than 350,000 tonnes of carbon emissions. 

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