Published on

20 June 2023

Loddon Court welcomes visitors to new and improved premises

Follows a significant investment of £400,000 from the council to modernise the building

A short break user at Loddon Court touches an art display

Wokingham Borough Council and Optalis are delighted to announce Loddon Court, a residential short breaks service in Earley, has officially re-opened its doors this month (14 June) following a significant investment of £400,000 from the council to modernise the building.

The event, which was hosted by people who use the Loddon Court service, was attended by Wokingham Borough Deputy Mayor Cllr Adrian Mather, executive member for health, wellbeing and adult services Cllr David Hare, and shadow executive member for health, wellbeing and adult services Cllr Phil Cunnington, as well as representatives from the council and Optalis. 

Flexible care 24/7

Loddon Court offers flexible twenty-four seven care including overnight stays, short breaks and afternoon visits for adults with learning disabilities who live in a family environment.

Before its modernisation, Loddon Court was a dated building in desperate need of refurbishment. 

Since July 2022, Optalis took over the running of the service and has been making much needed improvements, with refurbishment works starting earlier this year. 

The newly refurbished respite centre provides a more welcoming, modernised and inclusive space for people with all abilities to access Loddon Court.

There’s an improved layout and accessibility to bathrooms and an adapted kitchen featuring a height adjustable cooker and sink, improved aesthetics, enhanced safety features and new furniture. 

Prior to opening, Loddon Court welcomed new and existing customers to tour the new premises, and the overall experience was positive.  

The entrance of Loddon Court

Lighter, welcoming and inclusive space

Executive member for health, wellbeing and adult services Cllr David Hare said: “This respite service was desperately in need of an overhaul and has been transformed into a lighter, welcoming and inclusive space.

"We strive to offer quality care and support, at the right time, to prevent the need for long-term care and Optalis has listened to the people we work with and their families’ needs and have vastly improved the service.

"The improved, accessible layout is crucial to the scheme, allowing safe navigation around the building while giving people the confidence to use the adapted new rooms.” 

Chief executive of Optalis David Birch said: “It has been a joy to see the delight of the people we support and their families as they have explored the fresh and bright redecorated rooms at Loddon Court.

"My team and I are proud of the improvements that have been made and we are grateful to Wokingham Borough Council for making it possible.  When a happy customer tells you that “it’s everything I want it to be and I can’t wait to come back”, it makes it all worthwhile.”

"I enjoy going to Loddon Court"

Jay Dudakia, who attends Loddon Court Short Breaks Service, said: “I enjoy going to Loddon Court, because I get to hang out with my friends. I know that it also gives my family an important break too.

"The new kitchen is impressive. It has a kitchen surface that goes up and down so that people who use wheelchairs can get involved in cooking as well. I’m most excited about the garden being redone, so that we can get outside and barbecue.”

Inadequate funding from central government, as well as an increase in costs and demand for services, have caused growing financial pressures for the borough council. 

The council is committed to ensuring it works as efficiently as possible across all departments while continuing to keep residents safe.

These works at Loddon Court are a prime example of why tough decisions need to be made to ensure it can continue to keep all its residents safe and vital council services, like Loddon Court, protected.

About Loddon Court

Loddon Court offers flexible twenty-four seven care including overnight stays, short breaks and afternoon visits for young people and adults with learning disabilities who live in a family environment. 

The respite centre understands the importance for carers to take a much-needed break from time-to-time and provides people a chance to experience some time away from home, meet other people, have fun or just relax in a comfortable, safe space. 

People who visit or stay at Loddon Court can experience a variety of leisure activities such as arts and crafts, music and singing, dance, fitness and cooking. 

Loddon Court is a stepping stone for people who are considering or planning a move into their own home, providing an environment where people can develop independent living skills and a phased introduction into a supported living setting. 

In addition, Loddon Court received a charity donation of £3,500 from The Integrated Network for Special and Additional Needs (INSAAN) to update the garden areas, turning them into usable and enjoyable spaces for people who stay.  

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