Published on

18 December 2023

Charity blown away by the success of foodbank appeal

Enough food and money was donated to allow Woodley Foodbank to provide 33 parcels to families in need

Foodbank appeal

Families will have a much brighter Christmas thanks to the generous donations received by Woodley Foodbank for its Reverse Advent Calendar appeal, which was supported by Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland as her charity of the year.

The appeal ran from 1 to 24 November and asked residents to donate food and other essential items to help the foodbank provide much-needed support during the festive season.

A donation point was set up at the council’s civic offices at Shute End in Wokingham, the Marc Antoni salon in Woodley and the foodbank’s headquarters at Emmanuel Church in Woodley.

Reverse Advent Calendar collection


The items donated to the council were enough to make 25 parcels and an additional eight parcels will be made up from £300, which was donated to the Mayor’s appeal.

Cllr Rowland said: “It is incredibly heart-warming to see the response to this appeal. It is a magical time of year and often brings out the best in people and that is certainly the case with this. It is a sad reality that places like Woodley Foodbank are needed in our communities, but it is an invaluable resource to many, particularly with the rising cost of living.

“I chose Woodley Foodbank as my charity of the year because the team do amazing work to help people who are less fortunate. At Christmastime, it can be easy to forget that not everyone has it so easy and a small donation can make a big difference. I am thankful to everyone who donated to the appeal and look forward to providing my support for the rest of my term as Mayor.”

A big thank you to everyone who donated

The advent calendar appeal was open to all residents and invited donations of tinned goods, long-life items and festive treats, such as mince pies and a Christmas pudding on the final day. Other items included chocolate coins, toilet roll and biscuits.

Richard Davies, co-ordinator for Woodley Foodbank, said: “We have been blown away by the success of the Mayor’s Reverse Advent Calendar appeal and the generosity of the local community. Participation in the appeal has been so widespread – from the councillors and staff at Shute End, local schools and businesses, as well as individuals and households.

“We know there are still some collections taking place, which is wonderful. The food we have received will help to make for a better Christmas to those most in need of food at this special time of year. A massive thank you to everyone who has supported us.”

Established in 1997, Woodley Foodbank serves the people of Woodley and the surrounding area. It helps fight food poverty and ensures that nobody goes hungry. It is part of the Pilot Light Trust, a registered charity set up by the churches of Woodley.

The charity supports people who have been referred to them through official channels, but also accepts referrals from family and concerned friends, as well as self-referral.

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