Published on

15 December 2023

Congratulations to Christmas window competition winners

Three businesses have received the most votes among all entries in their local area in our online voting

Christmas window of Strange the Jewellers in Wokingham (2)

Votes have been counted and the results are in!  Mercy in Action in Twyford village centre, Strange the Jewellers in Wokingham town centre and Home & Gifts in Woodley town centre have been crowned the winners of Wokingham Borough Council’s first ‘Best Dressed Christmas Window’ competition.

Christmas window of Mercy in Action in Twyford

Christmas window of Mercy in Action (Twyford)

Christmas window of Strange the Jewellers in Wokingham town

Christmas window of Strange the Jewellers (Wokingham)

Christmas window of Home and Gifts in Woodley

Christmas window of Home & Gifts (Woodley)

Close to 900 votes were cast in an online public voting from 1 to 11 December on the council’s Engage website. The three winners have received the most votes among all entries in their local area.

This morning, Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland presented an award certificate to the representative of each winning business in front of their dazzling window display.

Representative of Mercy n Action received an award certificate from Borough Mayor

Representative of Mercy in Action received an award certificate from Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland with Twyford Parish Councillor Martin Alder (Chairman of Twyford Parish Council).

Representative of Strange the Jewellers received an award certificate from Borough Mayor

Representatives of Strange the Jewellers received an award certificate from Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland with Wokingham Town Mayor Councillor Sally Gurney

Representative of Home and Gifts received an award certificate from Borough Mayor

Representative of Home & Gifts received an award certificate from Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland with Brian Fennelly, Woodley Town Centre Manager (right).

Celebrate Christmas in a dazzling way

Cllr David Cornish, executive member for business and economic development said: “Our heartfelt congratulations to the winners, and a huge thank you to all who’ve entered the competition.

“We truly appreciate the significant effort local businesses have put into bringing extra festive vibe to the borough. They have made visits to our village and town centres a merry experience during the holiday season.

“There’s still time to go and see these festive displays in person, while getting some final shopping done before the big day. Meeting up with friends in our cheerful town centres is one of the best ways to celebrate Christmas this year.”

A total of 37 businesses, ranging from a variety of retail shops, pubs to estate agents, signed up to take part in the competition. Their festive window displays have been promoted on the council’s Engage website and social media channels. The competition is part of the council’s support to local businesses during the festive season.

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