Last updated:

31st May 2024

Not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare

If you have been assessed as needing care and support but your needs are not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare funding, you can ask us for an care needs assessment, to see if you are eligible for care from us.

If you are eligible for care from us and have health needs, the NHS may still pay for part of your package of support.

This is known as a ‘joint or shared package of care’. One way in which this is provided is through NHS-funded nursing care. The NHS might also provide other funding or services to help meet your needs.

If the council fund some of your care package, then, depending upon your income and savings, you may have to pay a contribution towards the costs of this part of your care package. There is no charge for the NHS elements of a joint package of care.

Find out more about financial assessments and how we decide if you have to pay towards your care and support.

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