Last updated:

31st May 2024

Continuing healthcare fast track

When a person's health is rapidly declining or they are nearing end of their life, they may qualify for urgent access to NHS continuing healthcare through the fast track process.

A healthcare professional who knows the person's condition and is qualified to make a diagnosis and prognosis, will fill out the fast track paperwork.

If the healthcare professional thinks the person should get fast-tracked for Continuing Healthcare because they meet a certain criteria, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) should quickly accept and process the request.

BOB ICB will check what care the person needs and if the care package is working well. Sometimes, they might need to reassess if the person still qualifies for NHS continuing healthcare. If they do this, BOB ICB will carefully explain the process.

For further information on the fast-track pathway contact the person’s healthcare professional.

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