Last updated:

22nd January 2025

Get help from the Emotional Wellbeing Hub

Urgent, crisis or emergency referrals

The Emotional Wellbeing Hub is unable to accept urgent or emergency referrals or queries. 

If you are concerned that there is a risk to the life of a child or young person call 999. Otherwise, call the NHS on 111 and select ‘mental health’ for guidance or advice.

To report safeguarding or non-health related concerns about a child or young person see our Child protection and family support pages.

How the hub can help

We provide a central point of contact for young people, families, and professionals to access mental health services. 

The Emotional Wellbeing Hub provides free support and advice to children and young people up to their 19th birthday.

Through the Emotional Wellbeing Hub we can:

  • Offer you advice and guidance.
  • Discuss your concerns / needs
  • Provide advice about appropriate local support services. In some cases we can support onward referrals. 

Primary Mental Health Team 4 Youth (PMHT4Y)

The Primary Mental Health Team 4 Youth are our partners within NHS Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust, working in the same location as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). They are a small team who provide low intensity mental health support to children and young people. For example they may work with a young person who is struggling with worries and low mood through 4 to 8 support sessions.  

For children under the age of 11, intervention is typically focused on working with parents, as evidence shows this provides the best long-term results.

We encourage supporting adults to develop their own strategies for assistance, which can be further explored through the NHS - Supporting Children's Mental Health resource.

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