Last updated:

30th October 2024

Our vision for 2030

A Better Wokingham Borough

Fair – everyone in Wokingham Borough has equitable access to good life and health opportunities regardless of their background

Thriving – people in Wokingham Borough have the opportunity to get the skills they need for good quality jobs and businesses are able to succeed

Green – the environment in Wokingham Borough is cleaner, more sustainable and has plenty of green spaces for all to enjoy

Connected – strong communities bring people together, enabled by good, accessible travel and good digital connection

Safe – people who live, work and visit Wokingham Borough feel safe and are supported to live independently

The underpinning pillars of our plan

Equalities, diversity and inclusion

Many of the priorities set out in this plan relate directly to creating an inclusive borough and tackling inequalities. This commitment cuts across everything we do and goes beyond our legal responsibilities. Wokingham Council embraces the principles of the Marmot Review into health inequalities (2010), giving us a framework through which to understand the impacts of inequality on our health and wellbeing and to make our borough a more equitable and fair place to live. 

The Marmot Principles are:

  • giving every child the best start in life
  • enabling all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives
  • creating fair employment and good work for all
  • ensuring a healthy standard of living for all
  • creating and developing sustainable places and communities
  • strengthening the role and impact of ill-health prevention.

Our vision and aspirations are set out in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2025-29

Climate and sustainability

In 2019 the council declared a Climate Emergency, recognising the urgent need for action and the council’s essential role in this. Our ambition for carbon neutrality and our climate action response are set out in Wokingham’s Climate Action Plan.

Our Council Plan reflects the need for decisive action. A number of our priorities directly relate to climate change mitigation, adaptation and environmental sustainability. However, it is also vital that we consider the impacts on the environment, and our response to the changing climate, as part of everything that we do and influence as an organisation, to be able to meet our committed carbon neutral targets. This therefore needs to be considered as part of all of our actions and priorities, and we will need to work collaboratively both within the organisation and with external partners to maximise our impact.

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