Last updated:

6th June 2024

Living in a children’s home

Some young people live in what's called a residential home, also known as a children's home. This is when you live with other young people and you're taken care of by a team of support workers.

You'll have a "key worker" or "key team" who's responsible for making sure you've got everything you need. They'll chat with you, help you learn how to be more independent, and answer any questions you might have.

These residential homes are usually different from living in someone else's house because there are more young people around and several staff members to take care of everyone. Sometimes it's just a temporary place to stay while we figure out what's best for a young person's future. There's always staff around, and there are rules just like any other house.

What is it like to live there?

All children’s homes are different and have different ways of doing things so it might feel strange. You will be made to feel welcome and encouraged to make friends with the other young people. Staff and the other young people who live there understand the first few days may be difficult for you.

Placement planning meeting

The first five days of being in the children's home a placement planning meeting will be held. You will be at the meeting and will have the opportunity to ask lots of questions. Your social worker and new key worker will also be at the meeting.

During the meeting the following will be discussed:

  • bedtimes
  • rules
  • pocket money
  • any things you may want to know

What does it mean?

Children's Home
This is another name for a residential home where young people (most likely teenagers) live together that are supported by a live in team of staff.

Placement Plan
Your placement plan is part of your care plan.

Placement Plan Meeting
This happens within the first five days of you becoming ‘looked after’. Your social worker will attend with your carer, and this is where we you discuss what is expected of you and the people you will be living with.

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