Last updated:

23rd February 2024

Local resources and information

Online help tool

If you are unsure as to which service you need, our online self-assessment tool could point you in the right direction. By answering some questions about your current situation, we can direct you towards information, advice and services that could help you to live independently and improve your wellbeing. You can also request an assessment of your needs using our self-referral form.

online help tool

Assured care and support scheme

Assured Care and Support provides a directory of personal assistants and care providers that have been vetted and approved. The scheme covers Wokingham and West Berkshire and is run jointly by Trading Standards and Adult Social Care.

Assured care and support

Community directory

Our community directory is full of additional local services and resources for people with all kinds of care needs. You can filter the results to search for specific services and use your postcode to find help available near you.

community directory


Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide in the United Kingdom. Their free helpline is active 24 hours a day all year round.

Samaritans website 


Joy helps health and social care professionals link their clients to local services, resulting in a higher quality of life.

Joy app

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