Last updated:

10th June 2024

Reviewing your care

Find out about care reviews

Reviews are a chance to look at your care and support and make sure things are going well for you and that you are able to be as independent as possible. 

Reviews are an on-going process looking at what you want to change or keep the same and checking your personal budget is meeting your needs.

If you need to talk to us about reviewing your care please call 0300 365 1234

A review may take place for various reasons:

  • A planned review where the date was set during initial support planning or through general monitoring
  • An unplanned review resulting from a change in needs or circumstances e.g. a fall or hospital admission
  • A requested review where you, your carer, a family member, an advocate or someone else who knows you request a review e.g. it could be the result of a change in needs or circumstance

When reviews take place

The first planned review is 6 to 8 weeks after the personal budget and support plan have been completed and services are in place. If urgent services have been put in place before a support plan has been agreed, an initial review will usually be carried out 6 to 8 weeks after these services have been put in place. 

Where relevant this will be combined with an initial review of direct payment arrangements.

After that a review will be carried out every 12 months unless circumstances change before this. 

What happens in a review

Your review will cover the following:

  • Have your circumstances and/or care and support needs changed?
  • What is working or not working and what might need to change?
  • Have the outcomes identified in the plan been achieved or not?
  • Do you have new outcomes you want to meet?
  • Could improvements be made to achieve outcomes?
  • Can you meet your needs and the outcomes (identified in the plan) with your personal budget?
  • Is the current method of managing your personal budget still the best way for what you want to achieve, e.g. should direct payments be considered?
  • Is the personal budget still enough to meet the identified needs?
  • Are there any changes in your informal and community support networks which might affect the plan either negatively or positively?
  • Have there been any changes to your needs or circumstances which might mean you are at risk of abuse or neglect?
  • Are you satisfied with the plan?

If you have a carer, they will normally have their review at the same time. 

If changes are needed

Throughout the review process we will keep you fully involved. We will let you know what is going on, the timescales involved and any likely consequences. 

If the review shows that changes are needed we will inform you of the decision and what this will involve.

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