Last updated:

31st May 2024

Help with care costs from the NHS

Most people have to pay something towards the care they receive. However in some cases a person has their care arranged and fully paid for by the NHS because of a disability, injury or illness. This is known as NHS continuing healthcare (CHC) and is only available for people that meet the eligibility criteria. 


You may be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare if you are over 18 and assessed as having a high level of care and support needs. It is not based on whether you have a specific health condition.

    Read further information on the eligibility criteria and the decision tool used on the: 

      Your local Integrated Care Board (ICB) is responsible for the commissioning of NHS continuing healthcare. In the Wokingham borough this is Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board.

      NHS continuing healthcare can be provided in a variety of settings outside hospital, this could include your own home or nursing homes.

      If you receive care in:

      • your own home the NHS covers the cost of the care and support you need to meet your assessed health and care needs.
      • a care home the NHS pays your care home fees

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