Last updated:

14th June 2024

Planning new school places

Special Education Needs Provision

The Council is proposing to create two new units at Loddon Primary School and Radstock Primary School to meet the needs of children with high levels of Special Education Needs. These are proposed to open in September 2024, each offering 3 places every year, with a planned final capacity of 21 places. If approved, they will meet the needs of children with Autism and associated needs.

Further information is set out on the appended PDF consultation notices. The four notices, two per school are a short notice with limited information and long notice setting out the case for each unit.

Please note that the proposals are unchanged from the proposals the school consulted on earlier this year. The purpose of this exercise is to extend the consultation to a wider range of interested parties and to comply with statutory requirements.

Any responses should be made by mid-day 12th July 2024.

Responses can be made to 

Other proposals and strategies

A new School Place Strategy has been prepared and will appear here shortly, subject to formal approval by the Council’s Executive.

Copies of the proposals are appended to this notice as PDFs. If any individual requires a hard copy, please email or otherwise write to the address below.

Any person may object to or make comments on the proposals by sending representations to:

Piers Brunning,

Education and SEND,

Childrens Services,

Wokingham Borough Council,

Shute End,


RG40 1BN

Notices and consultation documents

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