Last updated:

28th March 2025

Traffic Management Requests

See the latest Traffic Management Requests

So far this year, our Traffic Management Team have received nearly 20 new requests every week via the report a road safety concern form. 

Traffic management measures are put in place to help manage the flow, speed and behaviour of traffic and can include:

  • Pedestrian crossings
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Road markings
  • Directional signs
  • Parking Restrictions
  • Speed limit changes

All requests are made via our website and are provided with a reference code. These requests are then investigated by the traffic management team.

Understanding the process

Review phase – 5 working days 

The team will respond within 5 working days if further information is required. If this is a duplicate request then you will be advised and your case closed but you will be advised on the outcome of the original request. 

Investigation phase - 60 working days 

The team will carry out a thorough investigation and a decision will be made whether there is evidence of a road safety concern and if so, we will make recommendations that will be presented at our internal quarterly review meeting.

The case will be presented and they will decide if this case should be shortlisted for consideration. If shortlisted, detailed designs will be carried out and all schemes will be prioritised and they will be asked to bring this case back to the next quarterly review meeting for a decision on whether this case will proceed.

Consideration phase – 60 working days

If short listed, the designs and any feedback to Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) consultations, if applicable, will be presented at the next quarterly internal review meeting. 

Approved phase – from 60 working days

If a TRO request is approved at the review meeting, it is usually implemented within 60 working days.

Any other type of request, such as speed calming measures will need to be programmed in with our Capital Schemes Team and will be carried out in priority order based on safety. Due to current resource and budget we may not be able to provide a completion date but it will be part of our rolling three year Capital Schemes Programme.

See the latest Traffic Management requests

All current requests that have been submitted via our website are listed below with a reference code and advises which phase of the process the request has reached. 

Please check the list below prior to submitting a report to avoid duplications.

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