Last updated:
17th January 2025
Report problems with street lights
Urgent faults that require attention within 2 hours
An example of an urgent fault would be if a street light, lit sign or bollard is in a dangerous condition that could potentially cause injury, like:
- A street lighting column has been struck by a vehicle
- A part has fallen off/hanging
- Exposed electrical cables
To report an urgent issue that requires immediate attention please call:
- Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, call 0118 974 6000 and select the 'roads and road maintenance' option
- Monday to Friday out of hours 5pm to 9am, call 0800 212 111 weekends and public holidays
We aim to respond to urgent faults within 2 hours. If urgent faults are raised online, they may not be seen until the next working day
Street light outage in Baird Road, Arborfield
Streetlights 61 and 67 to 72 on Baird Road, Arborfield, are currently not working. Please do not report this fault to us via our mapping system as we are unable to fix it. This fault has been passed on to Scottish and Southern Energy Networks (SSEN) who have advised that they will fix it on 12 February.
The Baird Road lamp columns have their power supply fed from a feeder pillar located outside 45 to 46 Biggs Lane. Our contractor, Volker Highways, inspected the lights and found that the power supply to the feeder had been temporarily disconnected / isolated by SSEN, possibly due to a recent water leak.
Visit the Scottish and Southern Energy Networks (SSEN) website for more information.
Non urgent faults
Reporting of non-urgent faults, for example a street light, lit sign or bollard that is out of light, a shield request or any other non-urgent issue can be completed using the link below. To report the issue we will need:
- The location and number of the street light, lit sign, or bollard
- A brief description of the issue
- To report multiple faults you'll need to create a report for each one
We aim to respond to non-urgent faults within 28 days.
We will try to repair the light on the first visit, however, it may take longer if:
- There is a fault with the power supply
- There are access problems
- Parts have to be ordered
- Additional traffic management is required such as temporary traffic signals or road closure
To track an existing report
On the map, select track a fault and enter the reference number.