Last updated:

14th March 2025

What documents you need to submit

There are national requirements and local requirements that are specific to us. Our Local List of Requirements For Planning Applications (PDF) provides information on the types of documents required. Consider what the list requires carefully as without certain information we will not be able to process your application.

Getting your plans right 

Applications should always be submitted with the correct plans and these should be checked to make sure they are drawn correctly. Use the following points to help ensure your application is valid: 

  • All plans and documents should be submitted in PDF format. Do not provide signatures on plans.
  • Ensure there are no differences between plans. For example a window shown on a floor plan but not shown on an elevation plan. You also need to make sure that all elevations are provided.
  • Ensure that the development is accurately drawn to scale on every scaled plan. This means the same measurement should be achieved on every plan. If plans are photocopied they may not scale correctly. A scale bar should be included on every plan and ensure ‘do not scale’ is removed from all plans. You can use our Guide for Adobe Measuring Tool (PDF) to check your plans.
  • Ensure you have permission to reproduce or use the plans.  Normally ordnance survey extracts provided with your deeds cannot be copied and are not suitable for planning purposes.
  • For a change of use application, you should submit existing and proposed floor plans (even if no internal alterations are proposed). Local List requirements state that plans must be no larger than A3 size. This helps the public to view the plans online.
  • View the guidance to help you better understand what your location and site plan should look like on the Planning Portal (PDF)

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