Last updated:
18th June 2024
Community Infrastructure Levy consultations and examination
Consultation on Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule
Consultation on Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule for Community Infrastructure Levy ran from 4 April to 16 May 2013.
The responses were analysed and used to inform the Draft Charging Schedule.
The Statement of Consultation (PDF) summarises responses received.
All other relevant documents can be seen in the document library at the bottom of this page.
Consultation on the Draft Charging Schedule
Consultation on the Draft Charging Schedule for Community Infrastructure Levy ran from 29 January 2014 to 14 March 2014.
Copies of the relevant documents can be seen in the document library at the bottom of this page.
On 12 June 2014 we submitted our Draft Charging Schedule (PDF) to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public.
Public hearings were held on 18 and 19 September 2014.
On 29 October 2014 we received the Community Infrastructure Levy Final Examiner's Report (PDF.) The view of the Examiner, Mr Philip Staddon, was that the Charging Schedule is sound, subject to some minor modifications.
We then adopted our Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule on 6 April 2015.
Infrastructure Funding Statement
Following an update to the CIL Regulations in 2019, Regulation 123 has been deleted and a Regulation 123 List is no longer a requirement.
We are now required to publish Infrastructure Funding Statements on an annual basis, with the first statement due to be published in December 2020. This will set out expenditure and planned expenditure of CIL.
Community Infrastructure Levy documents
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