Published on
8 July 2024
Shaping the council's future services
Wokingham Borough Council would like to hear from residents about priorities for the next five years

Wokingham Borough Council is preparing its plan for how it will provide services in the years ahead - and needs to hear residents’ views.
The Council Plan will set strategic priorities and objectives for the council over the coming years. It is a vital document that will guide how the authority provides essential services, infrastructure projects and community initiatives.
Once finalised, the plan will guide how the council provides its services in order to contribute to meeting the community’s aspirations (which are being set out in the Community Vision 2035, which is being produced separately by community partners).
At this stage, the council is looking for early input into the plan and will hold a formal consultation on it once a draft is produced.
Leader of the Council, Cllr Stephen Conway said: “The Council Plan will guide our day-to-day work and how we allocate resources and set priorities. The informal engagement survey is a chance for people to have an early say into what the plan looks like. They’ll be a formal consultation later on, but we think it is important to give people a chance to be involved from the start.”
Residents can contribute through an online survey.
By actively engaging in the consultation process, residents can play an early role in shaping the Council Plan
Cllr Conway added: “All the comments and feedback received will be factored in when we draft the Council Plan; that does not mean to say this is a referendum on what services we provide, a lot of what we do is statutory, and we have legal responsibilities we must meet. But their choices to be made and your input on those is important.”