Published on

12 July 2024

Mayor raises rainbow flag to celebrate Pride

Borough Mayor Cllr Adrian Mather raised the rainbow flag at the council's offices ahead of Wokingham Pride

WBC pride flag raising

Wokingham Borough Mayor Cllr Adrian Mather has raised the rainbow flag to celebrate Pride. The flag was raised on Friday 12 July at the council’s civic offices at Shute End in Wokingham.

The annual event celebrates equality and diversity within communities across the country, as well as Wokingham Borough.

Cllr Mather said: “Raising the rainbow flag is an important way to show our support and celebrate our diversity as a borough.

"It was an honour to lead the flag raising alongside my fellow councillors and I hope we can continue to work together to help all residents feel recognised and empowered for their differences, which should be celebrated. Everyone should be proud of who they are and the council has a key role to play in showing leadership and fighting for equality.”

Cllr Rachel Bishop-Firth, executive member for equalities, inclusion and fighting poverty, said: “This is the sixth year that we’ve been able to raise the rainbow flag here at Shute End. Pride represents all of the towns and villages in our borough and support from the borough council has been key over the years in building Wokingham Pride into the event that it is today.”

WBC pride flag raising


Wokingham Pride is returning tomorrow (Saturday 13 July). Held annually, it is free to attend, family-friendly and open to anyone who supports the aims of Pride.

Anyone wishing to attend should meet at the Town Hall in Market Place at 11am for photos and then follow the parade to Elms Field from 11.30am to 12 noon.

Residents are welcome to bring along a picnic and enjoy live music through to 4pm, with a mixture of new and returning acts from previous events.

Established five years ago, Wokingham Pride will see a mixture of new and returning musical performances, including The Yoko Mainwaring Experience, Rachel Redman, Carola Baer, Georgey Payne and NoizyBoyz.

For more information, visit the Wokingham LGBTQ+ Pride Group on Facebook.

WBC pride flag raising


Wokingham Borough Council continues to implement its Equality Plan 2021-25, ensuring no resident is left behind, irrespective of their background or characteristics. 

This is helping the council to build a more equal and inclusive borough, enabling all residents to prosper and thrive. It also means the council is supporting a diverse, included and engaged workforce, as well as fulfilling its legal duties required under the Equality Act 2010.

The council recently established a new LGBTQIA+ staff network, demonstrating a commitment to supporting staff alongside the work done with residents across the borough.

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