Published on

24 November 2023

Thief caught on council cameras faces court

A bicycle thief and shoplifter from Wokingham town has been convicted, thanks in part to video evidence provided by the council

A generic image showing a close-up of a pair of arms removing a bicycle lock with bolt cutters

A bike thief and shoplifter has been brought to justice after Wokingham Borough Council gave evidence of one of his crimes to the police.

The 20-year-old male, who lives in Wokingham town centre, pleaded guilty to two charges of theft of a push bike and five charges of theft from a shop when he appeared at Reading Magistrates Court on Tuesday, 7 November.

One of these related to an incident where he broke into a secure storage area at the council’s Shute End headquarters at about 5am on Saturday, 10 June.

He was caught on CCTV cameras in the car park as he stole a bicycle which My Journey Wokingham, the council’s active travel team, had planned to take to that weekend’s Wokingham Bikeathon. Security at the bike store has since been upgraded to prevent further thefts.

Working with partners to protect our communities

The council shared its footage with Thames Valley Police, who recognised the offender and began searching for him. He was arrested at his home some time afterwards on suspicion of the theft and others in the area, which weren’t connected to the council’s evidence.

These were from the Co-op Food store in Beechey Place, Wokingham town, on 19, 20 and 25 July, from the Co-op Food store in London Road, Wokingham town, on 10 and 21 September. He also stole a bike from the Carnival Hub community centre, in Wokingham town, on 2 June.

The man was sentenced to an 18-month community order and must carry out 200 hours' unpaid work, take part in 20 days of rehabilitation activities and pay compensation to his victims.

Earlier this year, in an unrelated incident, the council’s anti-social behaviour team spotted three high-value stolen bikes on shared land near council housing in Ashridge Road, Wokingham, and called police.

The culprit, a 26-year-old male living in the area, was handed a suspended 18-month prison sentence and ordered to pay a victim surcharge, while the victims were reunited with their bikes.

Officers thanked for acting swiftly on reports

Cllr Ian Shenton, executive member for environment, sport and leisure, said: "We're proud of how officers from several of our teams worked together to help the police secure this offender's conviction.

"We really want more of our residents to cycle and walk where they can, and we're working hard to make this safer and more attractive, but we know the risk of bike theft puts some people off so we’re determined to help crack down on it.

"We're also incredibly thankful to our partners in Thames Valley Police for their prompt action and hope this gives residents confidence that they will act when crimes of this nature are reported.”

Keep yourself and your prized possessions safe

The council has funded improvements for cyclists across the borough, including bike repair stations and secure bike lockers.

The latter, installed in partnership with Wokingham Town Council, can be found at Denmark Street and Carnival Hub and may be hired at just £1 a day through the Spokesafe app.

Riders of all ages and levels of experience can talk to the police at community events and get their bikes protectively marked, which will help trace them back if they are stolen.

Thames Valley Police recommends double-locking bikes through the front and back wheels, including part of the frame both times and using high-quality locks, and to register the frame number.

For a complete list of guidance, visit Thames Valley Police's website.

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