Published on

28 July 2023

Supporting key workers and care leavers to live locally

Up to 18 new affordable homes could be built close to Wokingham train station after the council’s executive voted to move ahead with finalising plans for the scheme

smiling girl stood in a flat holding up a bunch of house keys

Up to 18 new affordable homes could be built close to Wokingham train station after the council’s executive voted to move ahead with finalising plans for the scheme last night (Thursday 27 July).

The proposals would see up to 18 energy-efficient one and two bed apartments built on vacant council owned land at the corner of Wellington Road and Station Road in Wokingham.

Helping support important groups

The homes would be affordable with five of the apartments used to home care leavers, helping offer support as they move-on from the care system into wider life.

The remaining apartments would be prioritised for eligible key workers, including teachers, NHS staff, professional carers, police officers and social workers.

In addition to supporting those providing an essential service, the subsidised rent will also help attract staff to roles which are traditionally hard to recruit to in the local area.

Cllr Stephen Conway, leader of the council and executive member for housing, said: “We’re seeing ever increasing demand for affordable housing, and this is a great opportunity to create 18 new homes, 100 per cent of which will be affordable.

"This development will also help us support young people as they transition from the care system to adulthood, giving them safety and security as they start to live more independently.

“We’re continuing to look at innovative ways we can create the high quality housing residents need within the borough and making sure we are building the right homes in the right places.

"We’ve worked hard on the designs, talking with neighbours and planning to make the most of this primarily brownfield site which sits close to the town centre, public transport and other facilities the residents will need.”  

What happens next? 

Following Thursday’s approval the council will now move forward with finalising designs for the scheme before submitting a planning application later this year.

If approved the council would seek potential grant funding towards construction with the aim to start building the new apartments in summer 2024.

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