Published on

7 July 2023

Mayor raises rainbow flag to celebrate Pride

The flag was raised on Friday 7 July at the council’s Civic Offices at Shute End to mark Wokingham Pride

Cllrs from all parties hold a rainbow Pride flag

Wokingham Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland has raised the rainbow flag to celebrate Pride. The flag was raised on Friday 7 July at the council’s Civic Offices at Shute End in Wokingham.

The annual event celebrates equality and diversity within communities across the country including Wokingham Borough. 

Wokingham Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland said: “I am delighted to raise the rainbow flag to recognise, support and celebrate our diverse residents and communities in Wokingham Borough.

"Together we look forward to a bright and colourful future celebrating identity, diversity, inclusion and togetherness.”

Displaying the rainbow flag with Pride

Executive member for equalities, inclusion and fighting poverty, Cllr Rachel Bishop-Firth said: “Many of Wokingham Borough’s residents are showing their support of our LGBTQ+ community as we celebrate Pride.

"It’s great to see how many of our schools, churches, libraries and businesses are displaying the rainbow flag this weekend.

“I know from talking to local residents that people want Wokingham Borough to be a safe and supportive place for all kinds of families, and for all of our children.

“Everyone who supports the aims of Pride are welcome to join the Wokingham Pride Picnic on Elms Field on Saturday 8 July.”

The flag raising event was also attended by leader of the council Cllr Stephen Conway, executive member for equalities, inclusion and fighting poverty Cllr Rachel Bishop-Firth, Cllr Rachel Burgess, Cllr Clive Jones, Cllr Norman Jorgensen, Cllr Sarah Kerr, Cllr Alison Swaddle and Cllrs Imogen and Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey.

Find out what our other councillors said about celebrating Pride by reading our news article.

Cllr Beth Rowland raises the Pride flag on the council's Shute End office in Wokingham

Celebrate Pride by attending local events

On Saturday 8 July, Wokingham Borough residents and the wider community are invited to the Wokingham Pride Picnic in Elms Field, Wokingham.

The event is organised by Wokingham Pride and supported with funding from the borough’s Equality Forum. Last year, Wokingham Borough Council provided the forum with £5,000 for Community Diversity Grants.

A panel from the group then chose to support nine organisations locally, including Wokingham Pride, to run projects which tackle inequality and discrimination in the borough.

Wokingham Pride Picnic is now in its fourth year, the event is free to attend and starts with photos at the Wokingham Town Hall at 11.30am, followed by a family-friendly picnic from 12 noon at Elms Field.

Performers and line-ups

Wokingham Pride Picnic will have performances from all-girl British pop rock band Greymatter, newly-formed UK country girl band The Country Chicks and Candy Rock who sing a mix of rock, pop and disco classics.

Residents are encouraged to bring a picnic rug, food, rainbow flags, their friends and family, plus invite other members of the community along for a fun-filled day.

The Station Tap in Wokingham town will be hosting a drag brunch between 10am to 12 noon with local artist SemiColon.

A vibrant afterparty featuring an evening of drag entertainment will follow from 6.30pm and between 9pm to 3am, DJ Miss Delilah will perform.

The event is free to attend for people aged over 18 years old. For more information, visit the Wokingham LGBTQ+ Pride Group on Facebook

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