Published on

23 June 2023

Mayor raises the flag for Armed Forces Day

The Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland has raised the flag at the council’s Shute End office to commemorate Armed Forces Day (24 June 2023), paying respect to servicemen and women, past and present

Councillros from all political parties hold the Armed Forces Day flag

Wokingham Borough’s new Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland has raised the flag at the council’s Shute End office to commemorate Armed Forces Day (24 June 2023), paying respect to servicemen and women, past and present.

The raising of the flag is an annual, national event celebrated on the last Saturday in June, observed by local authorities, government departments, businesses and Number 10 Downing Street, to show support and pay respect to the UK Armed Forces.

The event was also attended by the council’s new armed forces representative Cllr Peter Harper, Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, Cllr Clive Jones, Cllr Michael Firmager, Cllrs Caroline and Mike Smith, Cllr Phil Cunnington, Cllr Alison Swaddle, Cllr Andy Croy, Cllr Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey and Angus Ross.

The Armed Forces Day flag on display at the council's Shute End offices in Wokingham

'Proud to fly the flag'

Wokingham Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland, whose father and his two brothers served in the Royal Engineers during the Second World War, said: “By raising the flag, we are showing our support to our commendable Armed Forces community.

"We must also remember the brave people who served our country and sadly lost their lives to keep our communities safe.

"At the council, we are proud to fly the flag and show our support and gratitude to all. Thank you all for your commendable courage, service and dedication to protect and defend our country and its best interests.”

Armed forces champion Cllr Peter Harper, whose father served in the RAF and grandfather took part in the Gallipoli landings in the First World War, said: “I am delighted to be appointed as the council’s new Armed Forces Champion and to take part in this national flag raising event to remember and recognise the community of service men and women. 

"We are proud to have around 1,000 serving Armed Forces personnel and veterans living in our borough and we will abide by the Armed Forces Covenant to treat them and their families fairly. The borough thanks you for your service and the sacrifices you have made.”

Salute our forces

Residents wanting to show their support can watch ‘how to salute’ videos available on the Official Armed Forces Day website.

Learn how the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force salute and get involved on social media by using hashtag #SaluteOurForces.

#SaluteOurForces is a simple, yet effective way to pay tribute to the UK Armed Forces for their hard work, dedication and efforts to keep us safe in the UK and across the globe. 

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