Published on

28 June 2023

Improving the energy efficiency of more than 100 social housing properties

Wokingham Borough Council has been awarded almost £300,000 in Wave 2.1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund

sunny day in a field with an energy performance certificate inside an outline of a house

Wokingham Borough Council has been awarded almost £300,000 in Wave 2.1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

This funding will help improve the energy efficiency of more than 100 social housing properties, in the Wokingham Borough, which will also be match funded by the borough council.

This means some £584,000 will be invested locally. Installing loft insulation and cavity wall insulation will help move the properties currently rated at EPC D to the scheme’s target of EPC C.

Lowering carbon and energy emissions 

This funding is supporting the council’s aim to bring lower carbon and energy efficiency measures to tenant’s homes.

Installing good quality home insulation can help reduce the amount of carbon emissions significantly as well as helping reduce people’s utility bills as less energy is needed to help keep properties warm in the winter.

Good insulation can also help keep homes cooler in the summer when temperatures begin to rise, as it can reduce solar gain through roof spaces and walls.  

Cllr Sarah Kerr, executive member for climate emergency and resident services, said:  “This investment will help many of our tenants to save money on their energy bills which will have a positive impact on households during these challenging financial times.

We are keen to tackle fuel poverty and this scheme will help us provide good insulated housing for our tenants.

“Improving the energy efficiency of homes in Wokingham Borough will also help us achieve our goal to be a net zero authority by 2030.”

Work starts this summer

Home improvement  work will start in the summer, with the aim that work will be completed before next winter.

The borough council has already identified the initial properties for works under this scheme. There is no need for residents to contact the council about this scheme. If your social housing property is selected the council will contact you directly.

Wokingham Borough residents can visit the council’s website for information about grants for home improvements which could help make homes more energy efficient and help reduce carbon emissions.

Many of these improvements can be done completely free of charge, or with a big discount, if you fit certain criteria.  

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