Published on

30 October 2023

Eat Well, Get Active. What's stopping you?

We've launched a survey to help shape the support we offer residents to eat healthily and exercise more

colourful silhouettes of people enjoying swimming, cycling, football, yoga, tennis, running and weight lifting on a bright blue background and green grass

We all know that to stay healthy we need to eat well and be physically active, but that’s not always as easy as it sounds, and for many people it can be a real struggle.

Whether it’s the cost of paying for a gym membership or of buying the five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, having difficulty finding an activity they can fit into a busy life, feeling too self-conscious about their body to join a class, there are lots of barriers which can make it harder for people to know where to start.

Help us understand

Wokingham Borough Council is currently working to understand how the places where you live support, or do not support, residents to eat well and be active.

As part of this work the council is asking residents to complete a short five-minute survey about their eating and activity habits, what has and hasn’t worked for them before, and ideas on what might encourage them to eat healthier and be more active in the future.

Helping protect our residents health

“How active we are and what we eat impacts our health.” Said Cllr David Hare, executive member for health, wellbeing and adult services. “Eating a balanced diet and keeping fit can help reduce your risks of a range of illnesses, as well as boosting your general health including your immune system, sleep quality, bone strength and balance. It’s also known to tackle issues like depression and improve your mental health and wellbeing. 

“We’re asking residents to help us better understand how the places where they live support, or do not support, them in being active and eating well. By getting this feedback residents can help us shape their neighbourhoods to support them in eating well and being active.”

How you can take part

Visit our Engage Wokingham Borough website to take the survey. The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete.

The survey closes on Sunday 26 November.

Paper copies of the survey are available on request by contacting or calling (0118) 974 6000.

Next steps

Feedback from the survey, along with other national and local sources, will be used to establish what the council and their partners can do to make it easier for residents to eat well and be more active. The council will also be looking at how they can better meet the needs of any residents who are currently less likely to access support.

The results will be published next year, along with ideas for new ways to support residents and how to make the best use of the assets our community already has.

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