Last updated:

11th March 2024

How long do EHCPs last?

An Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) can continue until a person reaches the age of 25. Although we could cease the EHCP if a plan is no longer necessary usually for the following reasons:   

  • We are no longer responsible for a child or young person      
  • It is no longer necessary to maintain the plan

Below outlines some reasons why it will no longer be necessary to maintain a child's or young persons EHCP:  

  • The young person has gone to university    
  • The young person has a job (excluding apprenticeships)    
  • The person is age 18 or over and no longer wishes to engage in education or learning   
  • The person has turned 25 
  • The child or young person has moved to a different borough or left the country
  • The child or young person has met the outcomes in the EHCP and no longer needs the provision

Before a EHC plan ends 

We will write to the you to inform you that we intend cease the EHCP (Educational, Health and Care Plan) and set out the reasons why. This is known as a 'cease to maintain notice'. You will have 15 days to let us know whether you are happy for us to cease the EHCP.

Contact Information

Special Educational Needs and Disability

Role: 0118 974 6000


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