Last updated:
5th March 2024
Helpful tools and resources for preparing for adulthood
Preparing for adulthood tool
The outcomes across the age ranges tool has been designed by the Department for Education (DfE) to support children from 0 to 25 with the four preparing for adulthood outcomes:
Education, training and employment
Independent living
Community inclusion
Good health
It provides ideas for how those involved in supporting young people can help with preparing for adulthood at different ages and stages of development.
The tool is available to download from the National Development Team of Inclusion (NDTi) website.
Other useful tools and resources for preparing for adulthood are also available on the NDTi website.
Preparing for adulthood information guide
This guide for parents and carers has been co-produced by SEND Voices Wokingham, SENDIASS, Promise Inclusion, Me2 Club, Addington School, Berkshire Health Foundation Trust, and Wokingham Borough Council’s Preparing for Adulthood Team.
Preparing for adulthood information guide for parents and carers