Last updated:

20th June 2024

Healthcare information for new residents

Healthcare information and translations for new Wokingham Borough residents

We have produced a local pack to provide general information to people who have newly arrived in Wokingham and wish to know more about the local healthcare system:

If you are healthcare practitioner, please read the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities Migrant health guide. This includes the Countries A to Z page and provides advice and guidance by country on the health needs of migrant patients.  

For residents from Hong Kong

The following videos in Cantonese have been produced for new residents in the borough from Hong Kong:

How to navigate the local healthcare system - Healthcare in the UK (November 2021)

How to look after your mental health and wellbeing - Adult mental health (February 2023)

Definition of domestic abuse, how to report it, what support is available, and issues surrounding visas - Domestic abuse (May 2024)

Guidance for guests of the Homes for Ukraine scheme

The Government has produced a series of guides for guests of the Homes for Ukraine scheme, which covers topics on health, care and accessing urgent medical help. 

Other useful websites

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