Last updated:

26th January 2024

Health services at children's centres

Wokingham Borough Children Centres

Your local children's centres are free to use and offer NHS antenatal classes, Child Health Clinics and BfN (Breastfeeding Network) support groups.

Visit the health services at children centres web page for more information and to find out when classes and groups are running.

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Royal Berkshire Hospital Dingley Children Centre

The Royal Berkshire Hospital Dingley Children Centre provides community paediatric care to children with additional needs in the West of Berkshire.

The centre is based on the site of the Royal Berkshire Hospital and also holds clinics at West Berkshire Community Hospital and several of the specialist schools in the area.

The service brings together various professionals who offer treatment to children who need help to overcome a developmental issue or a complex illness.

Children can be referred through a GP, health visitor or paediatrician.

To read more about the service visit Reading Borough Councils directory website:

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