See notes
A Biffa skip/waste bin has been placed on the highway next to the BBQ King Kebab Van at Winnersh Crossroads.
1. Please would you confirm whether or not WBC has granted permission and if so, provide a copy of this permission.
Licensing have not received any specific request to have the bin in this location. The customer can find the conditions of the Street Trading Consent in the agenda pack for the recent sub-committee hearing, where it was decided that BBQ King would be allowed to continue trading:
2. Does WBC own the land on which the Biffa trade waste bin, next to the BBQ King Kebab Van at Winnersh Crossroads? (RG41 5AS)
Details of land ownership in England and Wales are available from HM Land Registry at
3. Is this land part of the adopted highway?
Information on the extent of the adopted highway in Wokingham Borough is available by selecting the “Roads and Verges we Maintain” option on the Road Maintenance page of the Wokingham Borough website at:
On selecting the option, an interactive map will be displayed that shows the extent of the adopted highway.