See notes
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information.
1. Please provide the total number of social houses owned by your council: 2526
2. In the past 12 months how many formal complaints have your council received relating to mould and damp in your social housing stock? July 2022 to End of July 2023 = 18 Complaint Cases. Please be aware that most of these cases are not solely about mould and damp, many also include other areas of complaint.
a) Please also provide the number of formal complaints over the last three years: July 2020 to July 2023 = 34
3. How many homes have you inspected where there was damp or mould present in the past 12 months: 188
a) Please also provide the number of houses over the last three years: 363
4. How many of your council homes are estimated to have mould or damp issues at present? If an estimate is available how is this estimate arrived at? 20 that the Housing Repair service are currently aware of as part of our Damp and Mould Project.