See notes
Could you tell me as of the start of September 2023 school term:
1. How many SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) children do you hold on your records?
1981 EHCPs as of 27.02.2024.
2979 SEN Support (as per census October 2023).
2. How many of the above number (Answer 1) are currently out of school because a suitable provision isn’t available / can’t be found? (including those who have an EHCP (An Educational Healthcare plan)
3. How many of the above (Answer 1) have an EOTAS in place? (An EOTA is a formal special education package made under an EHC Plan, for which the local authority remains legally responsible.)
16 have EOTAS.
4. What’s the longest a child has been waiting for education?
Five months.