Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

Questions 1-6 concern schools’ revenue budgets.

1. A list of all LA-maintained schools in the local authority area and the following information for 2022/23:
a) the type of school (nursery, primary, secondary, PRU, special etc)
b) each school’s in-year financial outturn – i.e. the surplus or deficit the school recorded on its revenue budget in 2022/23
c) each school’s cumulative outturn balance at the end of 2022/23 (i.e. factoring in previous years)
Please see attached spreadsheet.

2. The forecast in-year financial outturn (as defined in question 1b) in 2023/24 for each LA-maintained school in the local authority area (please state the type of school as per question 1a for any newly opened schools that don’t appear in question 1)
Please see attached spreadsheet.

3. The total number and percentage of schools with a surplus revenue balance in 2022/23, broken down by type of school (as per question 1a)
Please see attached spreadsheet.

4. The total number and percentage of schools with a negative revenue balance in 2022/23, broken down by type of school (as per question 1a)
Please see attached spreadsheet.

5. The total number and percentage of schools with a forecast surplus revenue balance for 2023/24, broken down by type of school (as per question 1a)
Please see attached spreadsheet.

6. The total number and percentage of schools with a forecast negative revenue balance for 2023/24, broken down by type of school (as per question 1a)
Please see attached spreadsheet.

7. Please state how many children of compulsory school age with Education, Health and Care Plans have no school place for September and are not in Elective Home Education

If the council is on the Delivering Better Value in SEND programme, please also answer questions 8 and 9:
8. What is the council’s forecast unmitigated cumulative DSG deficit for 2027/28? Please provide a forecast figure for 2026/27 if no forecast is available for 2027/28
Wokingham are not in the Delivering Better Value in SEND Programme.

9. What is the council’s forecast mitigated cumulative DSG deficit for 2027/28 under implementation of DBV savings? Please include all forecasts that have been calculated (e.g. upper/lower bound, target and stretch forecasts etc). Please provide forecast figures for 2026/27 if no forecast is available for 2027/28
Wokingham are not in the Delivering Better Value in SEND Programme.

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