Request ID
Date Received

See notes


I am seeking details related to your council's procurement and expenditures in social care. I kindly request the following information:

1. The total number of care packages awarded to agencies for adult social care and child social care services between January 1 and June 30.

2. The current number of suppliers or agencies categorized under Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 within your procurement framework for adult social care services and then children social care services.

3. The anticipated dates when the council plans to next go to market for the procurement of social care services, separately for adults and children.

4. The name of the framework being used to source suppliers for adult and child social care services, including complex care, mental health, and learning disabilities.

5. The expected date when your framework will be available for bidding, and where suppliers can access the bidding opportunity.

6. Confirmation of whether the council uses the RM6281 Workforce Alliance framework.

7. Confirmation of whether the council uses the HealthTrust Europe Total Workforce framework.

8. The name and contact information of the responsible officer and department overseeing the procurement of social care services for the council.

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