Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I request the following information:

1. The total number of payrolled council employees in your local authority area.
1434 employees.

2. The number of payrolled council employees in your local authority area who are paid less than the Real Living Wage of £10.90/hour (as set by the Real Living Wage foundation) – and what percentage of your payrolled employees this constitutes.
Two employees, 0.14% (however both of these employees currently hold apprenticeship roles - Apprentice Rate: £5.28/hour.

3. The number of payrolled council employees in your local authority area who are paid less than the statutory National Living Wage – and what percentage of your payrolled employees this constitutes.
0 employees, 0 %.

4. The number of payrolled council employees in your local authority area who are paid less than the statutory Minimum Wage – and what percentage of your payrolled employees this constitutes.
0 employees, 0 %.

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