See notes
Please may you provide me with the following information about PCNs issued for parking violations in the area which is enforced by your council.
As a time frame, I would like to know answers for questions 2-7 for the last three years as a priority [2021, 2022, 2023]. I do not have a preference whether these are sorted by calendar or financial year, but please may you specify which is used in your response.
Please could you confine your answers to PCNs issued for parking violations rather than any other kind of driving/ speeding violation.
1. Please name the organisation which provides your parking enforcement services? (eg. NSL Ltd / APCOA) Has this organisation changed in the last ten years? If so, when and what was(/were) the previous organisation(s)?
We use NSL for our parking enforcement contract and this has been in place since Oct 2017 with the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement powers. Prior to this the Council had its own enforcement staff who dealt with off street car park enforcement only. All on street enforcement would have been carried out by the Police.
2. What was the total number of parking violation PCNs issued in your region during each of the years specified above? [2021, 2022, 2023] PCN’s issued by financial year.
2021-2022 Parking Penalty Notices Issued 17,843
2022-2023 Parking Penalty Notices Issued 18,758
2023-2024 Parking Penalty Notices Issued 29,106
3. What was the total number of challenges/ representations* submitted against these PCNs during each of these years?
5,378 Penalty Notices successfully appealed at informal, Representation or Appeal stages. Financial year 21/22
2,923 Penalty Notices successfully appealed at informal, Representation or Appeal stages. Financial year 22/23
5,281 Penalty Notices successfully appealed at informal, Representation or Appeal stages. Financial year 23/24
4. How many of these challenges/ representations were successful each year?
We no longer have access to this data for Financial year 21/22 following a change of software
We no longer have access to this data for Financial year 22/23 following a change of software
3,625 Penalty Notices successfully appealed at informal, Representation or Appeal stages. Financial year 23/24
5. What was the total number of appeals submitted against these PCNs during each of these years?
100 Appeals received 2021-2022
53 Appeals received 2022-2023
68 Appeals received 2023-2024
6. How many of these appeals were successful each year?
69 Appeals Successful 2021-2022
26 Appeals Successful 2022-2023
32 Appeals Successful 2023-2024
7. What was the total amount of fines (in £) paid to the council for PCNs during each of these years? Please count the total amount paid and received by the council, not just the value of fines issued.
2021-2022 Parking Penalty Notices Paid £461,283
2022-2023 Parking Penalty Notices Paid £532,630
2023-2024 Parking Penalty Notices Paid £640,455