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See notes

1. What was the maximum amount the Wokingham Borough Council budget allowed to be paid out in the form of a ‘leaving care grant’(sometimes also called a setting up home allowance) in the 2022-2023 financial year?
The setting up allowance entitlement for Care Leavers for this period was £2,000.00. This is a one off allowance.

2. How many young people left the care of Wokingham Borough Council on or after their 16th birthday in the 2022-2023 financial year?
36 children in care ended at age 16+ during the 2022-23.

3. How many of these young people received a leaving care grant?

4. What was the average amount (both mean and median) paid out to care leavers in a leaving care grant in the 2022-2023 financial year?
Mean was £387. Median was £249.

5. What was the lowest amount paid out to a care leaver in a leaving care grant in the 2022-2022 financial year?
Lowest amount: £0.

6. What was the highest amount paid out to a care leaver in a ‘leaving care grant’ in the 2022-2023 financial year?
Highest amount: £1,690.95.

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