See notes
I am getting in touch with a Freedom of Information Request. Could you provide me with answers to the following data:
1. How many children are being electively home educated in the Wokingham Borough? And can this be broken down year by year from 2013-2023?
2. How many parents have been given School Attendance Orders by Wokingham Borough Council? And can this be broken down by year from 2013-2023?
3. How many of the electively home educated children in the Wokingham Borough are classed as having special education needs? And can this be broken down year by year from 2013-2023?
4. How many children are not registered to be electively home educated in the Wokingham Borough but are not attending school either? (classified as children missing education (CME). And can this be broken down year by year from 2013-2023?