See notes
I would like to request the following information. These questions relate to new homes built by the council.
1. In the 2023/24 financial year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) how many new homes of any tenure did the council complete?
a) Please can you provide a breakdown of those new build completions, by tenure (for example, how many were social rent, affordable rent, shared ownership, market sale, temporary accommodation, etc).
No new build during 2023/24, but there were 28 open market acquisitions which included 17 affordable rented properties and 9 social rented properties. To note the Council has a partnership of Registered Providers who deliver the majority of affordable housing on developer (s106) sites.
2. If the council has a council-owned housing company, in the 2023/24 financial year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) how many new homes of any tenure did the company complete?
a) Please can you provide a breakdown of those completions, by tenure (for example, how many were social rent, shared ownership, market sale, temporary accommodation, etc).
3. How many homes does the council expect to build in the next five years (ie, from April 2024-March 2029)
232 new build properties. This figure could increase dependent on land availability.
4. If the council has a council-owned housing company, how many homes does it expect to build in the next five years (April 2024-March 2029)
We do not hold this information. Our Council owned housing companies are currently finalising their business plan for the next 5 year period so this figure is still to be determined at the time of this FOI.