See notes
Please can you provide me with information on the list of projects run by your Local Authority under the Thames Valley Berkshire City Deal. Within this, can you detail when available:
1. Name of the project and when the project started and ended
The project was named Elevate Wokingham Employment skills hub and the start/end dates exactly mirrored the term of the fund.
2. Amount invested by the LA, partners and by Central Government under the Deal (when applicable)
No funding invested by LA. £194k from City Deal Fund.
3. Jobs created or safeguarded
No new jobs safeguarded or created – the programme gave careers information, advice and training to those furthest from the work place.
4. Other outcomes, e.g. enterprises supported, businesses created, etc.
5. Geographic location reported for the project. Please, could you provide this at the most granular geographical level available such as: postcode, Output Area / Lower Super Output Area or a standard electronic vector file (e.g. ESRI shapefile).
Berkshire County/Wokingham Borough Council.
6. Contact details of the person or department currently accountable for the City Deal.
N/A, the programme is now closed.