See notes
a) How many bulky waste items were collected in your authority during these timeframes?
i. May 2021-April 2022: 1,973
ii. May 2022-April 2023: 1,604
b) How many items collected were sent to landfill during these timeframes?
i. May 2021-April 2022: 100%
ii. May 2022-April 2023: 100%
c) How many of the items collected were recycled during these timeframes?
i. May 2021-April 2022: 0%
ii. May 2022-April 2023: 0%
d) How many of the items collected were eligible for reuse during these timeframes?
i. May 2021-April 2022: Zero.
ii. May 2022-April 2023: Zero.
2. If recorded, what were the top 5 most common bulky waste items collected?
• Fridge/Freezer
• Sofa
• Cabinet/wardrobe/drawers
• Mattress
• Chair
3. During which month were the most bulky waste items collected in 2022?