See notes
Under the Freedom of Information Act, and with relation to the below site or sites operated by Asda Stores Limited (or other companies within the Asda group), please can you provide me with details of:
The site or sites in question are: ASDA - LOWER EARLEY SUPERCENTRE 4195 Chalfont Way,Lower Earley,READING,,RG6 5TT
1. The number of RIDDOR reports that have been made regarding incidents at each site, broken down by the financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24;
Eight (8) in total
2. The cause of each such incident, broken down by broad heading, where this information is held;
See attached spreadsheet
3. Copies of any health and safety inspection reports held by the authority that arose from inspections of the below site or sites during the same period;
No proactive health and safety inspection carried out since 2009. Since 2010 there has been a restriction on local authorities carrying out proactive health and safety inspections under Central Governments National Enforcement Code.
4. Copies of any reports arising from health and safety investigations held by the authority that took place in response to incidents at the below site or sites during the same period;
No reports issued during the time periods specified.
5. Details of complaints made about the site or sites by members of the public during the same period, including the numbers and reasons for such complaints, and copies of the complaints where they are held in a reasonably accessible and anonymised format.
No health and safety complaints received from members of the public during time periods specified. Other complaints from members of the public were detailed in a spreadsheet included in the response to WBCIR:8478 concerning food hygiene.