Last updated:

30th December 2024

See answers to previous information requests

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  • Type a subject into the 'Subject keyword(s):' search (Optional)
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. 

111 Request(s) found

Trademark windows

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

1. Please can you give me details of an order to trademark windows ref 3843771 to the value of £28,450 on the 31st August. What was procured and for which site?

Supported accommodation

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

Please may I have the following information:

Benefits Based Free School Meals

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

1. The number of pupils (age 5-11) registered for Benefits Based Free School Meals (BBFSM) in both the last (22/23) and the current (23/24) academic year. I would like you to provide this information in the following format.
a) Total number of Pupils (Age Range 5-11)

Schools and colleges

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

Please may you provide me with:

1. A list of schools and collages within your local education authority area, to include name of establishment and contact email address.

Use of generative AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT) by employees

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

I am writing to make an open government request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like answers to the question below:

Current pay scale/officer grade

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

1. Please could you provide me with details of the current pay scale/officer grade for the following roles or their equivalent within your organisation:
a) Customer Services Manager: NLG9 New LG Grade 9
b) Complaints Manager/Coordinator: NLG8 New LG Grade 8

RAAC in housing

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

An email was sent from the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Department of Education on December 5 2018 to all local authorities to “draw attention” to a “building failure” involving a property constructed with RAAC.

Print Management and Energy Consumption

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

I would be very grateful if you would provide me with answers for the following questions regarding your carbon goals and printer agreements through the organisation:

20mph Zones

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

For the 20mph Zones, and 20mph limits across the borough

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