Last updated:
30th December 2024
See answers to previous information requests
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Homes for Ukraine
1. How many households in your council area have acted as hosts in the Homes for Ukraine scheme since it was launched nationally on 14 March 2022?
2. How many hosts have been identified as charging Ukrainians rent?
Enquiry about an individuals circumstances
Notes have been left private as the enquiry is about another living identifiable individuals information. Section 40 of the FOI Act applies.
Energy & Carbon reduction
Please can the below be answered and returned in excel or excel format like below.
1. How do you currently manage your energy portfolio?
Through a framework contract and dedicated suppliers.
Temporary accommodation
1. In the financial year of 23/24, as of 13.11.23, how much has your council spent on providing temporary accommodation and, if the figure is known, how much is the council projected to spend by the end of the financial year?
Motor Vehicles registered for public hire ie Taxi/Private Hire/Hackney Carriage
I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information act for the following information:
Membership of AEHEP
1. How many staff members make up your elective home education team?
EHE Officer – 0.5, EHE Support Officer 0.3
2. How many staff members from your Elective Home Education team are members of the Association of Elective Home Education Professionals (AEHEP)?
Traffic monitoring and parking restriction services
Under the freedom of information act 2000. I would like to access the following information:
GIS map of Highways Act s31.6 landowner deposits
This is a request for information under the FOI Act 2000 and the EIRs 2004. Please release to me the following information:
Oaklands Junior School Inspection report
I understand that an EHP attended Oaklands Juniors today (10/11/2023). As a result of the inspection, the school kitchen was voluntarily closed (due to rodent activity).
1. Could you please provide a copy of the report produced for this most recent inspection.
Request withdrawn
Teaching assistant vacancies
1. Can you please provide me with the total number of all teaching assistant posts – filled or vacant – in maintained schools,
a) the average salary for a teaching assistant employed by the council in each academic year since 2019/20?