Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

74 Request(s) found

Youth offending services case management system

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

1. Please provide the name of the software supplier and the product name for the case management systems used by your council's youth offending services.
Access UK - Youth Offending System - IYSS

Parent's Neurodiverse condition

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

1. Is a parent's Neurodiverse condition (diagnosed or suspected) able to be recorded as a unique Service User Group and/or category of Disability on your Children's recording system?
Data not recorded

Ask for Angela campaign

Request ID
Date Received

1. I request the yearly promotional cost of the campaign from 2016 - June 2024.

2. I also request the yearly training cost of the campaign from 2016 - June 2024.

3. I also request a breakdown of how the campaign is being implemented from 2016 - June 2024.

Money spent on Carillion projects

Request ID
Date Received

1. How much money has Wokingham Council spent rectifying defects on buildings, which were built by Carillion Group (or any of its subsidiaries). This should be split into yearly figures for every year from January 2018 to the date of your reply.

IHRA Definition

Request ID
Date Received

a) If the IHRA Definition has been adopted by the Council since 1 May 2022. If so, please provide the date that the motion/decision to do so was approved and provide a copy of the relevant motion/minutes/policy document or a working link if it is available on your website.

Council’s Microsoft Licensing Statement (MLS)

Request ID
Date Received

1. I now request that you supply me with a copy of the council’s Microsoft Licensing Statement (MLS). It does not have to be the most recent MLS. An older MLS which is dated after the council migrated to M365 would be sufficient.

Assets of Community Value (ACV) compensation claims

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

We are trying to establish the number of claims for compensation that Local Authorities have received in relation to properties being listed as assets of community value (ACV) under the Localism Act 2011.

Flood Action Groups in your areas

Request ID
Date Received

Under Freedom of Information Act/Environmental Information Regulations, I would like to request the following information:

1. Any meeting minutes where flood action groups or other civil society bodies have contributed to discussions about flooding in the last two years.

Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund 2024 to 2025

Request ID
Date Received

1. Please provide a copy of the document or documents submitted to the DHSC as outlined in condition 3 of the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund 2024 to 2025 Guidance as per the below:

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