Last updated:
8th August 2023
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period.
Pride Month
See notes
This is an information request relating to Pride Month. Please include the following information:
1. Whether any events have been organised for Pride month. If so please provide the date, start and end time, and title/topic of the event
Our libraries will be supporting Pride month and Wokingham Pride with displays of books and recommended reading.
A local organisation, Wokingham Pride has organised a Pride Picnic for 8th July. The council provided funds for the independent Wokingham Borough Equality Forum to issue small community grants last year. Wokingham Pride received a grant of £500 last year to support their event last year and this year.
2. Whether any LGBT themed merchandise has been purchased for Pride month. i.e. since the beginning of the 2023/24 financial year. If so please provide me with information on what has been purchased and the cost
3. Whether the organisation has sponsored any Pride events. If so which events and please provide details of the nature of the sponsorship (particularly the financial value)
As above.