Last updated:

30th December 2024

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. 

Stage One Complaints in Children’s Service

Request ID
Date Received

See notes


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding the handling of statutory children act stage one complaints within your children’s services department. The purpose of this request is to better understand current practices and support mechanisms in place for staff handling complaints, with a view to informing the development of a training offer for professionals in this area. I would be grateful if you could provide responses to the following questions:

Complaints Process:
1. Could you provide an outline or a copy of the guidance or policy your local authority follows for handling stage one complaints within children’s services?

2. Are there any specific timelines or standards set for responding to stage one complaints?

Investigations and Roles:
3. Who typically conducts investigations into stage one complaints (e.g., social workers, team managers, independent officers)?

4. Are staff who handle stage one complaints required to have specific qualifications, training, or experience?

Training and Support:
5. Is there mandatory training for staff who handle stage one complaints? If so, what topics are covered (e.g., communication skills, managing conflict, legal frameworks)?

6. How frequently is this training provided, and who delivers it (e.g., internal trainers, external providers)?

7. Are staff provided with written guidance, templates, or other resources to support them in responding to complaints? If this exists, please provide as part of your response.

Effectiveness and Development:
8. Has the effectiveness of the training or support provided to staff been evaluated? If so, what were the findings? please share any reports.
9. Are there any identified areas where staff have requested additional training or support?

10. Are there specific challenges that staff face when handling stage one complaints that training could help address (e.g., managing complainant expectations, responding empathetically, or handling complex cases)?

11. Do you have any internal process for quality assuring stage one responses? please provide the guidance or framework used if so.

Complaints Volume and Outcomes:
12. Over the past 12 months, how many stage one complaints were received within children’s services?

13.. Of these, how many were resolved at stage one without progressing further? How many progressed to stage two?

Future Training Opportunities:
14. Would your local authority be open to discussing training opportunities for staff involved in stage one complaints?

15. If yes, could you indicate the appropriate person or department to contact regarding such opportunities?

16. Finally, please provide contact details for the customer relations, or complaints manager for children’s services.

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