Last updated:

30th December 2024

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. 

Children's services

Request ID
Date Received

See notes


1. What case management system do you use for children's services?

2. Please provide the name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the FIS / SEND Local Offer websites within your organisation?

3. Are your Local Offer pages/FIS site developed in-house or externally?

4. If externally, which providers currently provide your Family Information Services directories and/or SEND Local Offer site?

5. If external, please confirm the value of the FIS contract and/or Local Offer site detailing implementation cost and ongoing if possible and when it is due for renewal?

6. If internally, are there any plans for this to be developed by an external supplier?

7. Please provide the name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s) of the individual(s) responsible for Short Breaks provision

8. Do you provide grants or direct payments for Short Breaks provision? If not, are there any plans to provide grants or direct payments in the

9. What was the annual spend on Short Breaks provision for the last financial year?

10. Do parents/carers book Short Breaks provision via the council?

11. If not, do you use an external organisation to provide this service?

12. Do you use digital solutions to assist with the application, awarding and management of Short Breaks?

13. If so, who is the provider and when is the contract due to expire?

14. Are you considering using digital solutions to manage and oversee your Short Breaks?

15. Who oversees the management of personal budgets and direct payments for children/families and what are their contact details? – i.e. name(s), email (s16. Does the LA use 3rd party services and/or digital solutions to assist with the delivery and budget management of CYPs personal budgets, direct payments, e.g. pre-paid cards, eWallet solutions, direct payment support services, digital software?

17. If yes, what solution is used, who is the provider and when is the contract due to expire?

18. If no, is this something that you are considering and who in the LA is the person to contact about this and what are their contact details - i.e. name(s), email (s

19. Who is the Director of Children's Services at the council and please provide their title, name and email address?

20. Who is the Assistant Director of Children's Services at the council and please provide their title, name and email address?

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