Last updated:
30th December 2024
See answers to previous information requests
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Home to School transport
See notes
1. How much is the Council's annual spend on Alanis Travel, Home to School transport?
2. What are the terms and conditions of the agreement which Alanis Travel must adhere to ie. regular checks of their vehicles, having a reserve vehicle on hand in case of a flat tyre, providing SEN training for their staff
3. Is there a proper tender process for the Home to School transport contract?
4. When is the tender up for renewal?
5. How many transport companies typically submit bids for the service?
6. What is the composition of the decision-making panel?
7. How many parent complaints were received about Alanis Travel in the 2023-2024 school year?